Humans produce things
Humans produce things
We, humans, are a particular specie, like many other species.
What makes us special is that we produce all kinds of things.
The things we produce often fit within a rectangular frame, such as paintings, computer screens, books, tables, rooms, QR codes, ballot boxes, or transport pallets.
We also produce exorganisms, which have a logic of their own. It can be a mechanical thing or a program thing. These organisms, in turn, act on and interfere with the environment we are living in.
And we produce imagination, culture, structures and rules to enable a coexistence with fellow humans, things we produce and the environment we live in.
Fabernautics promotes a common identity among humans for their ability and responsiblity towards the things they create.
It provides research about designs and solutions which humans might find appealing.
It develops new tools and decentralized platforms which can be used together with fellow humans.
Key areas of interest
Consensus mechanisms: how humans can define and agree on common good in an efficient, insightful and reliable way.
Community platform design: how governance models can enable trust within a community.
Peer to peer manufacturing: how decentralized and trusted manufacturing databases can boost development efficiency and interoperability.
Circular economy: how to keep track of the environmental footprint of products and incentivize humans to consume and dispose in a responsible way.
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