Humans produce things
Humanity faces many challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, disruption by AI and technology, ...
To address these, humans can produce common-organisms to define common states, what matters for them and the way to achieve it.
Fabernation is a decentralized common-organism which serves as a platform for cosmo-local production and the circular economy.
It provides a shared and trusted database of products, which can be referenced in other products (composability) and which production process is grammatized.
It enables to compute values which matter for the community (such as carbon footprint) by producing consensus on algorithms for each of the tools being used during the manufacturing process.
Defining values for products allows community members to act more responsibly by improving products, being aware of their environmental footprint, using a dedicated accounting system, ...
Because the products receive validity consensus and feedback, it is easier to define new products by modifying existing ones or using them as components, thus reducing the marginal cost of product development and fostering the circular economy.
A wooden stool designed with CAD, which includes the definition of the assembly process as well as the manufacturing of its subparts.
Ice Tea
A "hello world" example where we add tools and items in order to produce consensus on a product carbon footprint.
Air travel carbon footprint
We show how Serial Justice can be used together with AI to produce common understanding on air travel carbon footprint.
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